our story
kia ora e hoa! my name is bryan and I'm the 'b' in b.le.p! with assistance from my husband i hand-craft soy wax candles using fragrances in small batches in wellington, new zealand.
we have two main collections: the aotearoa collection, inspired by locations around new zealand; and the global collection, inspired by select locations around the world. from time to time we also have a seasonal collection, so keep an eye out on our website and socials for limited edition candles throughout the year!
at the moment we only make 454 g jar candles but hope to expand to other products such as reed diffusers in the near future. make sure to follow us on facebook or instagram to find out about new fragrances and products first. you’re also welcome to drop us a line by email as well.
nau mai, haere mai ki b.le.p candles!